Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pakistan- a land for business

Pakistan is a great land for doing business. 

But one should aware of something before investing your money or putting your money in some business.

Here are something one should know before setting up a business and one should try to act upon them.

1. Pakistan is a land of tremendous opportunity.

2. Hotels are expensive and if in Karachi you should only stay at the PC or the Marriott - don't try to save money and use cheaper hotel. Security is a big issue.

3. If you are an expat use your the embassy. I used the British high commission. Cost me £1060 for just organizing meetings with banks etc but well worth it as it opens so many doors that you would never be able to open yourself.

4. Also register a parent company abroad and use that to propel your idea.

5. Don't try to be a Pakistani.they will eat you up. If you speak English use it to your advantage. The Pakistani locals speak good English but it will give you an edge. They tend to shy away from confrontation.

6. Don't wear a shalwar kameez to a business meeting. Smart business suit and tie(always). 

7. If you know your subject then stick to the facts. Most Pakistanis do not do maths and their business just run somehow. They will even impart critical company information just to impress you without even realising it.

8. Never be flexible on quality. Pakistanis are obsessed with Chinese product but always put them down for poor quality. But you simply have to tell them yes but if you pay peanuts you will get monkeys. China develops some of the best products in the world but if you don't pay for quality you won't get it.

9. Be careful even when getting an accountant, they will talk to you about fees but its the monthly fee. Not an annual one as in the west, they will then up the fee greater than even the city of London. Trust me I know I have used them. Be prepared tom negotiate everything. There is no such thing as a deal done or fixed price.

10. Talk to your competitors. Be prepared for negative feedback as to how rubbish the business is and I want to sell up and go but I have no choice etc. just pretend to be dumb and listen. 

11. Focus on quality and do not compromise. Do not put down your competition. Even if asked. I have just been asked to put down some competitor but I politely refused and sidestepped. If you do this they will see you the same as the rest of Pakistani. 

12. You will hear Pakistanis use God as a weapon during negotiation. Don't fall for it even the ones with the beards are crooks. View everyone as a crook and then sieve the good ones out. There are a few and Alhumdulillah I have met some.

13. They will ask for bribes. Be prepared to walk away. It's better for you. I was asked and I stopped the conversation stating 'never eaten haram and never will inshallah and please do not mention this topic to me again'. Just be polite and nip,it in the bud. They want to know if you are up for sale and at what price.

14. Anything yo want to do you can here, its a virgin country with negative attitudes. Even if you wan to flip burgers. Make the joint clean and I will work

15. Come to Pakistan but be prepared. 

The above is a quick writeup. Please feel free to add.

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